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Project |01 Exploring Our Instruments Through Basic Movement

Inspired by theorist Augusto Boal and workshops featuring his protegees Rosa Luisa Marquez and Javier Cardona, this ten-part unit gives second-year high school theatre students a chance to explore their bodies, voices, and interpretations of text. Students are tasked with transforming every-day movements into a discernable story from beginning to end. 

Project |02 StoryTelling Workshop

This ten-day technology-based workshop merges the world of traditional storytelling and basic theatrical techniques in order to enhance skills related to both storytelling techniques and theatre. These skills include: identifying and understanding different types of stories and story arcs (ie: Folktales and Circle Stories), use of character, use of body, voice, and mind as tools for performance, and group collaboration. 

Just a sample of my work. To see more or discuss possible work >>

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